GRAVIS partners with various organisations with the aim to bring a holistic and large-scale positive change in the lives of dryland communities. Local partners help in project implementation and outreach while regional, national and international partners help GRAVIS with financial support and other resources.
Our National and International Partners

- AB World Foods
- Age International
- Agro-Ecology Fund
- Asha for Education
- Ashraya Hastha Trust
- ATE Chandra Foundation
- Azim Premji Foundation
- Bio-Versity International
- Central Social Welfare Board, Government of India
- Dasra
- Dining for Women
- DS Foundation
- Edel Give Foundation
- European Union
- France Libertes
- Giving Impetus to Voluntary Action (GIVE)
- Global Fund for Women
- Government of Rajasthan
- H2O for life
- Harvard University
- Help Age International
- Help Age Germany
- Help Age USA
- India Development Services (IDS)
- Indian Friends in America
- International, Development and Relief and Fund (IDRF)
- Lady Irwin College, New Delhi
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- Motivation for Excellence
- NABARD, Government of India
- National Coalition for Natural Farming
- One Prosper International
- People for Progress in India
- Prometheus
- Rajwest
- ReNew Power
- Share and Care Foundation
- St. Clare and St. Francis Trust
- Tampere University Students Union (TAMY)
- Tata Power
- The Hans Foundation
- Thousand Currents
- Unit Trust of India (UTI)
- Vista Hermosa Foundation
- Water Harvest
- Weltwarts
- World Agro Forestry Centre
- Worthington Foundation
- Xertifix
- Zagorra
- AB World Foods
- Age International
- Agro-Ecology Fund
- Asha for Education
- Ashraya Hastha Trust
- ATE Chandra Foundation
- Azim Premji Foundation
- Bio-Versity International
- Central Social Welfare Board, Government of India
- Dasra
- Dining for Women
- DS Foundation
- Edel Give Foundation
- European Union
- France Libertes
- Giving Impetus to Voluntary Action (GIVE)
- Global Fund for Women
- Government of Rajasthan
- H2O for life
- Harvard University
- Help Age International
- Help Age Germany
- Help Age USA
- India Development Services (IDS)
- Indian Friends in America
- International, Development and Relief and Fund (IDRF)
- Lady Irwin College, New Delhi
- Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
- Motivation for Excellence
- NABARD, Government of India
- National Coalition for Natural Farming
- One Prosper International
- People for Progress in India
- Prometheus
- Rajwest
- ReNew Power
- Share and Care Foundation
- St. Clare and St. Francis Trust
- Tampere University Students Union (TAMY)
- Tata Power
- The Hans Foundation
- Thousand Currents
- Unit Trust of India (UTI)
- Vista Hermosa Foundation
- Water Harvest
- Weltwarts
- World Agro Forestry Centre
- Worthington Foundation
- Xertifix
- Zagorra
Our Grassroots Partners

- Health, Environment and Development Consortium (HEDCON)
- Jan Kalyan and Gram Vikas Sansthan (JKGVS)
- Kshetriya Gramotthan Samiti (KGS)
- Kshetriya Samagra Lok Vikas Sangh (KSLVS)
- L.C. Tyagi Memorial Trust
- Swarajya Trust
- Vasundhara Sewa Samiti (VSS)
- Zila Gramin Vikas Sansthan (ZGVS)
- Health, Environment and Development Consortium (HEDCON)
- Jan Kalyan and Gram Vikas Sansthan (JKGVS)
- Kshetriya Gramotthan Samiti (KGS)
- Kshetriya Samagra Lok Vikas Sangh (KSLVS)
- L.C. Tyagi Memorial Trust
- Swarajya Trust
- Vasundhara Sewa Samiti (VSS)
- Zila Gramin Vikas Sansthan (ZGVS)